Happy New Year! In writing this post, I looked back over past blog posts because I was sure SURE that I must have written before about how much I love New Years but NO! Not one single New Years post to link to! Whaaaaaaat?
I'm a huge believer in new beginnings of all kinds. Remember how every first day of school you thought THIS WAS THE YEAR you were going to stay organized and have a clean desk and never lose a pencil? Or was that just me? Regardless, I know calendars are arbitrary and everyday is it's own new beginning and blah blah but on January 1rst a lot of people agree all at once that it's a new year and resolve to do things differently and that's good enough for me. I'm pretty much the same as everyone in that I make resolutions and stop/break them by the end of January. And I'm ok with that too. There are some that I've kept: I make my bed everyday and I'm pretty sure that was a New Years resolution. I put on makeup, perfume, and jewelry every morning before work because it makes me feel like less of a slob and I think that was a resolution too. I'm careful not to make too many resolutions including the words "always," or "never," and when I use the word "everyday" I mean it the same way I meant it when I said it about making the bed and getting ready for work which is to say "most days" and probably never on a Saturday or Sunday.
Because this is a Pinterest Wednesday, the pictures link to my Resolution board on Pinterest. Oh, tricky tricky!
I resolve:
-to knit instead of play with my phone after dinner (it's better for my focus, my eyes, my happiness).
-to make time for yoga weekly.
-to work a little toward various goals and big projects calmly everyday instead of freaking out and fear-watching too much Netflix.
-to remember that I am enough, I do enough, and I'm right where I should be and to listen to my breath when I needed to be reminded of it.
-to do the dishes everyday. And to remember that it makes me feel good to wake up to a clean kitchen counter.
-to be quiet and listen more often.
-to journal everyday.
-to blog three times a week.
And that's it! In short, I want to knit, write, and be more mindful. I want to stop freaking myself out and indulging in counter-productive behavior because of it. If I move in that direction this year, I'll be pleased. It's not about the number of times I do something, really, or doing something daily without fail. It's about gently guiding yourself in the direction you'd like your life to go. And that is why I love New Years.
What are your resolutions? Do you make them? What are you hoping for out of the new year? Regardless, Happy New Year everyone!