Friday, February 28, 2014

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone! Who has big plans for the weekend? If you're in Michigan (and many other places) I'm sure you're one big goal is the same as mine: stay warm. Here's something I used to get my blood pumping this Friday morning:

If you're looking for more of a chill vibe this Friday, might I recommend this interview with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. This man is amazing.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Phoning in the weekend

I started off the weekend with some wine and good friends. We all had rough(ish) weeks and needed a good time! We took this picture to send to one of our other friends who was cheersing us from a distance on vacation.

On Saturday, I did some car knitting (dishcloths are the perfect travel project) on our way up to Houghton Lake to visit some friends. I snow shoed for the first time and it's my new favorite thing! It's so good to get out on a winter's day when the weather allows it.

On Sunday, we celebrated my nephew's first birthday. He won't officially be one until Thursday, but he got to smash his cupcake (verdict: smashing is fun, eating is alright, but less fun) and got TONS of presents. His favorite thing to do was grab a box and scootch across the floor with it.

I have had these cats for 10 years and they still manage to find ways to be cuter than I ever thought possible.

How was your weekend? I hope you got to spend it with animals, activities, and children you love!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy Final Catdown Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone! Look at what my sweet friend Liz found for me:

Isn't that THE BEST?!

Today is Liz's birthday! If you know her, tell her happy birthday, and if you don't find a random Liz of your acquaintance and wish her a happy birthday! Confusing, but sweet.

Here are a few fun facts about my friend Liz: ever since I put her contact information in my phone (several phones ago) at The Bird she has been listed as "Liz!" Every year, Liz and I go on a major thrifting shopping extravaganza around the same time every year and we call it Friendaversary.  I credit Liz with my love of Belle and Sebastian, my exposure to the only two (or so?) Tori Amos songs I like, and with introducing me to this song:

Liz has the best tattoos, the prettiest hair color (all of her hair colors), the coolest glasses, the fattest cat (I say it with love, Lola!) and the sweetest heart. I love you friend! Happy birthday!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Phoning in the weekend- Valentine's edition

Hello everyone, and happy start of your week! I hope you had a lovely, restful Valentine's weekend! Mine was very fun.

It started out with Valentine's cards and treats for my student assistants and trying to bribe my APA manual to be good to me while I write a paper for a conference (come to Denver, it's going to be fun!)

After work, I drove to Grand Rapids for a fun filled evening of dinner, drinks, and pin ball!

The next day, we went to the Grand Rapids Public Library (amazing!), a plant store, a record shop, and a local brewery for snacks and drinks. Also, the gorgeous antique store pictured above where I was almost overcome by all of my antique store addictions: sparkly jewelry, bags, Fiesta Ware, and hats. If there had been more Pyrex I would have been truly done in.

Sunday was lazy with sleeping in, pancakes, and dinner with my family. What did you do this weekend?