Hello and welcome to Pinterest Wednesdays!
As part of my goal to blog more, I have given myself three recurring blogs to write each week. On Wednesdays, the idea is Pinterest Wednesday. This also incorporates my goal of trying something I've pinned on Pinterest each week. Hopefully, the knowledge that I have to write a blog about it will inspire me to plan on trying a pin (might be a recipe, might be a craft, might be a product, an exercise who even knows? SUSPENSE.) and hopefully actually trying a pin each week will give me an easy blog to write leading to more regular blog writing. Killing two birds with one stone is the only way I kill birds! (Metaphorically is also the only way I kill birds).
So to kick things off, I looked at my
Pins I've Tried Board. But I didn't feel inspired to write about any of those things. Some of them, I'd
already written about and the rest just weren't doing it for me. So I picked a new pin:
I will be honest, I largely picked it because the mug looked beautiful. And it was such a peaceful scene that it made me think: Heck yes I want to
improve my life in 60 small ways over the next 100 days.
Then I read what the 60 small ways were. Hmmm....not so small as such. At least, not all of them. Some of them I think are great and doable. Some of them I think are great, just not for me. And some of them I just don't want to do. That's what great about writing your own blog and doing your own things: you can do and not do pretty much whatever you want.
Now let's get started: it looks like you're supposed to do all of these things all at once, which I find overwhelming and silly, so I'm going to start one at a time.
Number one small way to improve your life: Create a 100 days to declutter calendar- make a list of 100 things to declutter and do one each day. I typed up my list quickly, mentally moving around my house in a circle. It was actually kind of hard to think of 100 things, so I tried to break bigger things into smaller parts. Even so "Basement" is 30 of the things (mostly because my basement is big, totally cluttered, stinky, and scary, so I'm only going to be able to be down there for maybe 15 minutes at a time) and I left 63-100 blank. As I start this project, I might need to break some of my list items into smaller chunks, or I might think of other things to do. I'll be sharing them here on Pinterest Wednesdays as I go.
What pins are you doing? Are they going well or not so good? Do you have 100 things you could think of to declutter?