Happy Thursday, one and all! It is SO springy up here in Michigan! Spring gets me all kinds of wound up: it makes me want to clean and organize and do projects and be a better, tanner, thinner, Zenner (is that a word?), fabulouser (hahahahaha, I know that one isn't...right?) person. Maybe this is a fairly universal phenomenon? That would explain Spring Cleaning. I have to carefully monitor myself, though, otherwise I will set goals so lofty they simply cannot be accomplished. And once I start sliding down the, "Wow, I really don't have time to herd sheep like I thought I would this weekend," scale of non-productivity, I can slide right on past things that are fully achievable , such as "Wash Dishes" and "Scoop Kitty Litter" until finally I'm on the porch with a glass of wine and a book, unfinished tasks be damned.
But because I would rather take joy in my faults than, you know,
fix them, here is my to-do list this weekend. Please note the influence of both Spring Project Madness and St Patrick's Day:
-pick up book at Kris' store
-drop skirt off at tailor shop
-drink a shamrock shake
-make room for new table (my best thrifting find ever, OH MY SWEET LORD)
-go to bank
-watch Boondock Saints
-drink a Guinness
-go to hardware store for paint stripping supplies (heaven help me)
-take down winter wreath
-make summer wreath
-go buy that cart at the junk store I've been eyeing for well over a year
I promise to report back next week and let you know how far I made it through this list. I'm also hoping to be able to do more with this blog starting next week. If I do, I owe it all to the table I bought last weekend. Seriously, you guys, I am in love with this table. I think it's going to change my life. I'll tell you more about it next week, but for now I'll leave you with these words: 1950's, yellow, formica.
Yeah. It's probably even cooler than you're thinking.